Candidate for Secretary, 2023 - 2025

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David Monahan, CRNA

Fast Facts about David

 What are the biggest challenges facing the profession?

Over the last 20 years I have watched the Nurse Anesthesia political scene and noted how few of us get involved. My idea is to make political involvement by members more universal. It is an obligation of professionals, as it protects and promotes this valuable profession for its members and the society it serves. 

What experiences, ideas, connection or resources do you have that would allow you to help with those challenges?

My connections include present and past Board members and the Program Directors of the four New York CRNA schools. My main resource is the voice that my membership on the Board affords me.

Name one skill or strength you possess that is unmatched by your colleagues or peers

After many years in this field, I have developed a calm, objective tenacity that serves me well in long campaigns and through disappointing setbacks. It becomes easier to continue to steadily pursue political goals when the long term is kept in mind and short-term losses are kept in perspective.

What do you love about being a CRNA? What drew you to the profession?

The anesthetic process satisfies me. The magic of guiding a patient through an altered state of mind to tolerate the stresses of surgery and then to  return to consciousness  is still enough to keep me coming back. In addition, I was drawn to the field by its use of medical and electronic technology, the focus on one patient at a time, and a role that I could continue to perform well into my later years. Anesthesia was the best professional choice, by far, that I ever made.

Please provide at least one idea you believe will engage or involve members to advance NYSANA’s mission.

It seems that, as a group, we are not very politically involved. We need to generate a sense of urgency and obligation to contribute to the defense of our profession against inroads by medicine, government or new levels of practitioners. By keeping our members apprised of threats to our profession from training onward, we may create an aware and more involved membership. For those whose lives do not permit direct political activities, the importance of financial support should be stressed and rewarded. Without our continued involvement we may lose control of our future.